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Low Fat Law Calorie Diet Broccoli with Shrimp

Low Fat Law Calorie Diet Broccoli with Shrimp的做法步骤图


tiny fresh chilli🌶️ 3-4
garlic 5 cloves
food alcohol 1-2 spoons
black pepper
light soy sauce 1spoon
corn starch 1 spoon
oyster sauce 1 spoon

Low Fat Law Calorie Diet Broccoli with Shrimp的做法  

  1. thaw and wash the shrimps
    remove the shell of shrimp and put into a bowl
    add 1 spoon of food alcohol、1 spoon of light soy sauce、1 spoon of corn starch、little salt、more black papper
    mix and marinade around 15mins

    Low Fat Law Calorie Diet Broccoli with Shrimp的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. chop some tiny fresh chilli、garlic
    boil some water when it boilling,add little salt,little oil,add the broccoli into the water,boil them a little while(3mins-ish),then take the broccoli out

    Low Fat Law Calorie Diet Broccoli with Shrimp的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. heat the pan add some oil into,add the chopped chilli and garlic into,fry a little bit,add the shrimps into,fiy them unti the shrimp color change

    Low Fat Law Calorie Diet Broccoli with Shrimp的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. then add broccoli、1 spoon of light soy sauce、
    1 spoon of oyster sauce、some black pepper
    fiy and mix a liitle

    Low Fat Law Calorie Diet Broccoli with Shrimp的做法步骤图 第5张
  5. Now we done it  ٩(´◒`*)۶ !!Quite simple ha!Delicious and healthy,you can also have it during workdays👍👌

    Low Fat Law Calorie Diet Broccoli with Shrimp的做法步骤图 第6张
标签:Fat diet calorie Low law