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【减脂版】奶香南瓜汤 【Low calorie version】Pumpkin soup

“减脂版”奶香南瓜汤 “Low calorie version”Pumpkin soup的做法步骤图

100克南瓜的热量为22卡,其中碳水化合物含量较低(4.5克),纤维素含量较高(0.8克)饱腹感强。 同等量的红薯,热量为102卡,其中碳水化合物高达23.1克。

100 gram pumpkin only contains 22 calorie which includes 4.5 gram carbohydrates. and 0,8 gram fiber. In the meanwhile, the same amount of sweet potato contains 102 calorie and the carbohydrates up to 23.1 gram


南瓜 Pumpkin 200克/G
牛奶 Milk (要全脂/whole milk) 10毫升/ML
水 Water 100毫升/ML
椰子油 Coconut Oil 2毫升/ML

【减脂版】奶香南瓜汤 【Low calorie version】Pumpkin soup的做法  

  1. 准备材料
    Prepare the food materials

    “减脂版”奶香南瓜汤 “Low calorie version”Pumpkin soup的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 南瓜削皮,切成块后放入锅中15分钟。
    Peel the pumpkin and cut it into pieces. Put water in the pot and steam the pumpkin for 15 mins.

    “减脂版”奶香南瓜汤 “Low calorie version”Pumpkin soup的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 南瓜蒸熟后放入料理机,加水和椰子油搅拌。
    After the pumpkin is done, put it into the food processor, add water and coconut oil and blend them together.

    “减脂版”奶香南瓜汤 “Low calorie version”Pumpkin soup的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 将南瓜汤装盘,用小勺将牛奶一点点的滴入南瓜汤内。 然后用牙签慢慢拉出线条即可。
    Served the pumpkin soup in a bowl or plate you like, use a tea spoon slowly drop the milk into pumpkin soup, after that use a toothpick/fork connect the drops together.
    Bon Appétit

    “减脂版”奶香南瓜汤 “Low calorie version”Pumpkin soup的做法步骤图 第5张


这次的南瓜是蒸熟的,其实也可以用锡纸包好后放入烤箱焗。 烤箱180°C焗20分钟。
This time I use the steam to heat the pumpkin, you can also use the oven if you want. Use the tinfoil, oven 180°C/356°F 20 mins