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Stuffed Pork Loin 猪肉卷

Stuffed Pork Loin 猪肉卷的做法步骤图


Pork loin(boneless)无骨猪腰肉 1(3-4 lbs)
Panko bread crumbs 面包糠 1/2 cup
Chicken stock 鸡高汤 1/2 cup
Granny smith apples(peeled and chopped) 绿苹果(较酸,用来中和甜味) 1 cup
Dried cranberries 蔓越莓干 1/3 cup
Walnuts(toasted and chopped)核桃(炒熟剁碎) 1/3 cup
Shallots(sm dice)洋葱头切小粒 1
Maple syrup(pure)枫糖浆 2 tbsp
Fresh thyme(chopped) 新鲜百里香剁碎 1 tsp
Salt 盐 TT
Pepper 黑椒粉 TT

Stuffed Pork Loin 猪肉卷的做法  

  1. Butterfly the pork loin so it is flat. Using a mallet, pound the loin so it is of equal thickness. Season the inside with salt and pepper.将猪肉从中间割开(不要切到底),割开后觉得厚的地方再割几刀,然后用嫩肉锤敲成均匀的薄片,将里面的一面用盐和黑椒分调味。

  2. To make the filling combine: the chicken stock,apple,panko, canberries shallots,walnuts and maple syrup. Season to taste with salt and pepper. 将内馅材料的鸡高汤、苹果、面包糠、蔓越莓干、洋葱头、核桃和枫糖浆混合。用盐和黑椒粉调味。

  3. Spread the filling evely on the sesoned pork loin. leaving half inch border all aroud. 将内馅铺在猪肉排上,四周留出半英寸的边缘。

  4. Carefully roll the pork, and truss it securely with butcher's twine.将肉卷起,然后用棉线扎起来。

  5. Season the outside with salt and pepper. Heat oil in a saute pan and pan-sear the loin to a golden brown on both sides. 将肉卷的外面洒盐和黑椒粉调味。油在锅里加热放入肉卷将四面煎成焦黄。

  6. Place on a lined sheet pan and finish in the oven at 350 F for about 30 minutes. When the temperature reaches 145 remove the loin and allow to rest about 10 minutes, covered with foil. 将肉卷放在铺好烘焙纸的烤盘上,在350F的烤箱中烤至中间温度145F的,取出加盖锡纸放置10分钟。放凉后切片

标签:pork 猪肉 stuffed loin