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Best Pecan & Pumpkin Pound Cake in town 好吃的南瓜碧根果磅蛋糕

Best Pecan & Pumpkin Pound Cake in town 好吃的南瓜碧根果磅蛋糕的做法步骤图

Best pecan & pumpkin pound cake you’ll find in town. Perfect for a quick breakfast, goes great with coffee. 超级好吃的南瓜碧根果磅蛋糕,做法简单,可做早,和咖啡超搭。


Wet ingredients 湿食材部分
Pumpkin 老南瓜/贵族南瓜 600-750克
Eggs 鸡蛋 2-3个
Whip cream淡奶油 50-100克(1/3-1/2盒)
Brown sugar 红糖 适量
Dry ingredients 干食材部分
Flour 普通面粉 150-160克
Wholewheat flour 全麦面粉 150-160克
Cinnamon powder 肉桂粉 适量
Salt 盐 半茶勺
Baking soda小苏打 半茶勺
Baking powder 泡打粉 半茶勺
Flex seed powder 亚麻籽粉 20-30克
Other ingredients 其他食材
Pecans 碧根果 适量

Best Pecan & Pumpkin Pound Cake in town 好吃的南瓜碧根果磅蛋糕的做法  

  1. 取两只大碗,干食材、湿食材部分分别搅拌均匀。Mix the dry and wet ingredients in two separate bowls.

  2. 烤箱预热200度,将干食材、湿食材混合,再加入切碎的碧根果,搅拌到无干粉即可。注意不要搅拌起筋。Preheat the oven to 200 degrees Celsius before mixing the dry and wet ingredients together. Chop the pecans and add to the mixture. Mix well until no dry powder exists.

  3. 将食材放入烤盘,震几下(为除气泡)后在表面淋一层红糖、放上碧根果即可。Pour the mixture onto a baking pan and whack the pan against the counter a few times to release the air within the mixture. Sprinkle the top of the mixture with a thin coat of brown sugar and pecans before sending it in the oven.

    Best Pecan & Pumpkin Pound Cake in town 好吃的南瓜碧根果磅蛋糕的做法步骤图 第2张
  4. 烤箱200度烤40-45分钟即可。放凉切片。Bake for 40-45 minutes at  200 degrees Celsius. Cut the cake into slices after cooling it down.

    Best Pecan & Pumpkin Pound Cake in town 好吃的南瓜碧根果磅蛋糕的做法步骤图 第3张


可以用香蕉替代南瓜,用核桃替代碧根果。You‘re free to substitute pumpkin for bananas and pecans for walnuts.