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烤箱版烤红薯 Roasted Sweet Potatoes

烤箱版烤红薯 Roasted Sweet Potatoes的做法步骤图

冬季必备,4-6人份,源自 https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/roasted-sweet-potatoes


红薯 3 pounds
橄榄 ¼ cup
kosher salt 2 teaspoons
freshly ground black pepper ½ teaspoon

烤箱版烤红薯 Roasted Sweet Potatoes的做法  

  1. 3磅红薯削皮,切成1.5寸小块3 pounds sweet potatoes, peeled, cut into 1½-inch pieces。同时烤箱预热450F. Preheat oven to 450°.

  2. 把红薯和所有调料混合,放在烤盘上。Toss potatoes, oil, salt, and pepper on a rimmed baking sheet.

  3. 烤30-45分钟。Roast, tossing occasionally, until tender and browned, 35–45 minutes.