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Double cooked pork belly

Double cooked pork belly的做法步骤图


五花肉 1.4 lbs
豆瓣酱 1勺
青椒 2个
甜面酱 1勺
生抽 1勺
辣椒 2个

Double cooked pork belly的做法  

  1. Boil pork belly with pepper corn, ginger and dried chili peppers

  2. Leave the pork belly in the freezer

  3. Wait till the pan is hot and then add pork belly in till it curls up

  4. Add ginger, garlic and dried chili peppers

  5. Add douban sauce to color the pork belly

  6. Add the mix of mian-Jiang and soy sauce

  7. Add sugar, chicken bouillon, and vinegar

  8. Add bell peppers

标签:Belly Double COOKED pork