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椰香鬆餅Coconut pancake

椰香鬆餅Coconut pancake的做法步骤图



椰丝shredded coconut 50 g
燕麥奶 Oat milk 100 g
蜂蜜Honey 35 g
低筋自發粉Self-raising flour 150 g
黃油Butter 80 g
蛋Egg 2 ea

椰香鬆餅Coconut pancake的做法  

  1. 1. 將椰丝浸泡在燕麥奶裡10 分鐘. 將黃油放盡微波爐裡微波30 秒讓其融化。Soak shredded coconut into the oat milk for 10 mins. Melted the butter (80g ) in the microwave about 30 seconds.

    椰香鬆餅Coconut pancake的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 2. 將所有材料都混在一起攪拌均勻。( 蛋,低筋自發麵粉,黃油,蜂蜜,和以泡好的椰丝+燕麥奶)Then add in self-raising flour ( 150 g) , melted butter, eggs and honey. Use the spatula to mix it together.

    椰香鬆餅Coconut pancake的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 3. 將平底鍋加熱, 加點油 。 之後使用湯匙或勺子 將鬆餅糊舀出 放到鍋上煮. 當看到鬆餅糊開始起泡時翻面煎。 煮至中間熟透為止, 記得在煮的過程中要記得翻面煮 才不會兩面燒焦。 Heat up the pan. When pan is hot put a bit of oil then use the spoon to scoop out the pancake mix on the pan and cook it. When you see the bubble, flip the pancake.

    椰香鬆餅Coconut pancake的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 4. 當煎完鬆餅後,When all the pancake are cooked, it’s ready to serve. You can serve with ice cream and fruit ( banana, strawberry, blueberry…etc.) and honey or syrup and icing auger on the top of pancake.

    椰香鬆餅Coconut pancake的做法步骤图 第5张


- 在煎鬆餅時記得每10 秒要兩面翻面不然會燒焦。 remember to flip both side every 10 second when cooking otherwise will burn the pancake.

- 記得用大火先預熱在轉中火 去煎以免烤焦。 remember to use full heat to heat up the pan then turn the fire down for a bit to prevent burning the pancake.