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自制橙酱的全素红橙蛋糕🍊🍊🍊的做法图解 做法步骤



蛋糕 cake:
低筋面粉 Pastry Flour 200g
无糖豆奶 Unsweetened Soy Milk 100g
橙汁 Orange Juice 100ml
糖 Sugar 80g
稻米油 Rice Bran Oil 50g
泡打粉 Baking Powder 4g
橙子酱 Marmalade:
橙子皮 Orange Peel 150g
糖 Sugar 50g
水 Water 150ml
糖霜 Glaze:
糖粉 Icing Sugar 150g
橙汁 Orange Juice 20g
柠檬汁 Lemon Juice 10g
(共需要两个中号橙子 2 medium sized oranges in total)


  1. 橙子用水沾湿后,用盐搓洗,擦干
    Scrub oranges with salt, rinse and dry

    自制橙酱的全素红橙蛋糕🍊🍊🍊的做法图解 做法步骤 第2张
  2. 将橙子对半切,挤出橙汁,橙子皮切成条状(3cm X 0.5cm)
    Cut oranges in half, squeeze out the orange juice and cut the peel into small strips (3cm x 0.5cm)

    自制橙酱的全素红橙蛋糕🍊🍊🍊的做法图解 做法步骤 第3张
  3. 将橙子皮、糖和水倒入锅内,小火煮到水份基本发(20-30分钟)
    Put orange peel, sugar and water in pan, cook with low heat until water almost all gone (20-30 min)

    自制橙酱的全素红橙蛋糕🍊🍊🍊的做法图解 做法步骤 第4张
  4. 将所有蛋糕的食材和煮好橙子酱放入碗中,搅拌均匀成面糊(面粉记得过筛哦)
    Put all cake ingredients and cooked orange peel in a bowl and mix into a smooth batter (remember to sift the flour)

    自制橙酱的全素红橙蛋糕🍊🍊🍊的做法图解 做法步骤 第5张
  5. 将面糊倒入铺了油纸的蛋糕模具,放入预热180 ℃的烤箱,烤45分钟
    Pour batter into cake tin lined with parchment paper and bake in a 180 ℃ preheated oven for 45min

    自制橙酱的全素红橙蛋糕🍊🍊🍊的做法图解 做法步骤 第6张
  6. 糖霜:糖粉和果汁均匀混合,备用
    Glaze: mix icing sugar and juice until smooth

    自制橙酱的全素红橙蛋糕🍊🍊🍊的做法图解 做法步骤 第7张
  7. 蛋糕出炉后,在微微晾凉后从模具中取出,均匀涂上糖霜,洒上橙子皮
    After baking, remove cake from tin after slightly cooled and pour the glaze oven the cake, top with orange zest

    自制橙酱的全素红橙蛋糕🍊🍊🍊的做法图解 做法步骤 第8张
  8. 等糖霜干透后就可以享用啦
    Enjoy after the glaze is dried

    自制橙酱的全素红橙蛋糕🍊🍊🍊的做法图解 做法步骤 第9张


For a more perfect look, cut off the uneven top and turn over the cake to glaze the cake

磨具大小:14cm x 10cm
Tin size: 14cm x 10cm

Soy milk can be substituted with same amount of any plant based milk or normal milk

Rice bran oil can be substituted with same amount of any flavourless oil or coconut oil