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【生酮ketogenic】黄油花生酱曲奇饼干 简单低碳水low carb/gluten-free

“生酮ketogenic”黄油花生酱曲奇饼干 简单低碳水low carb/gluten-free的做法步骤图

1 tbsp=15 ml
1 tsp=5 ml
1 oz=28 g
1 cup = 16 tbsp = 48 tsp = 240 ml

Macros per cookie:
• 105 Calories
• 9g of Fat
• 4g of Protein
• 2g of Net Carbs
• 105卡路里
• 9g脂肪
• 4g蛋白质
• 2g净碳水化合物


peanut butter(花生酱,注意选择低碳水无糖的品牌,贴士放出原食谱给的链接) 1 cup
erythritol(赤藓糖醇,链接见贴士) 1/2 cup
egg 1

【生酮ketogenic】黄油花生酱曲奇饼干 简单低碳水low carb/gluten-free的做法  

  1. 烤箱预热,350F(约180℃),准备好食材。Preheat your oven to 350F and gather your ingredients!

    “生酮ketogenic”黄油花生酱曲奇饼干 简单低碳水low carb/gluten-free的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 如果你的赤藓糖醇不是粉状的,可以用搅拌机打碎。If you don't have powdered erythritol, you can make it! Place half a cup of granulated erythritol into a Nutribullet and blend for a few seconds.

    “生酮ketogenic”黄油花生酱曲奇饼干 简单低碳水low carb/gluten-free的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 得到赤藓糖醇粉。You should end up with a fine, powdered sweetener!

    “生酮ketogenic”黄油花生酱曲奇饼干 简单低碳水low carb/gluten-free的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 混合花生酱,赤藓糖醇粉和鸡蛋,用刮刀充分搅拌均匀。Combine the peanut butter, powdered erythritol and the egg and mix very well.

    “生酮ketogenic”黄油花生酱曲奇饼干 简单低碳水low carb/gluten-free的做法步骤图 第5张
  5. 烤盘垫一张油纸,把曲奇面团分成十五个小球,搓圆。用叉子两个方向分别压一下。Roll the cookie dough into 1-inch balls and place on a parchment paper lined baking sheet. Press down with a fork twice to create the iconic peanut butter cookie pattern.

    “生酮ketogenic”黄油花生酱曲奇饼干 简单低碳水low carb/gluten-free的做法步骤图 第6张
  6. 烤箱烤10-15分钟,知道曲奇边缘变成深棕色。Bake in the oven for about 10-15 minutes or until you see the cookie edges turn a darker brown.

    “生酮ketogenic”黄油花生酱曲奇饼干 简单低碳水low carb/gluten-free的做法步骤图 第7张
  7. 取出后要静置15分钟!Let them cool on a wire rack and enjoy with a yummy glass of nut milk!

    “生酮ketogenic”黄油花生酱曲奇饼干 简单低碳水low carb/gluten-free的做法步骤图 第8张


peanut butter: