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This recipe is from one of my favorite cooking page on Facebook  - 365 days of baking.

This has got to be the easiest cookie recipe ever.  these are SO easy to make with just three ingredients! AND it takes literally ONE minute to mix the ingredients together then 12 minutes to bake them.
You could even whip these babies up in the morning before the kids head off to school.


sugar 1 cup
peanut butter (花生酱 1 cup
egg 1


  1. eat oven to 350 degrees F. (176 C 度)

    2. Prepare a baking sheet by lining it with parchment or with a silicone baking mat. 你需要 “羊皮纸” 或者 烘培垫 放在烤盘上。

    3. In a medium bowl, mix the sugar, peanut butter and egg together until well incorporated.  中等大小的碗里放入 砂糖,鸡蛋,花生酱 搅拌均匀即可。

    4. Roll the dough into 1-inch balls and place on the prepared baking sheet. 做成2.5 厘米大小的小馒头,放到烤盘上。

    g the back of a fork, make a criss-cross pattern on each cookie.
    用叉子的背面 做 纵横交错的图案。
    6. Bake for 12 minutes. 烤12分钟。


    13分钟花生酱曲奇的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. Bon Appetite!

    13分钟花生酱曲奇的做法步骤图 第3张


曲奇们不会spread 所以可以放得近一点。 还有 这个食谱可以做18个曲奇。
A big muffin hug to everyone!

标签:曲奇 花生酱