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【麪包食驗】全麥皮塔餅 whole wheat pita bread

「麪包食驗」全麥皮塔餅 whole wheat pita bread的做法圖解 做法步驟




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全麥麪粉whole wheat flour 200g
高筋麪粉bread flour 245g
乾酵母 instant yeast 6g
海鹽 sea salt 6g
橄欖油 olive oil 28g
水 water 295g

【麪包食驗】全麥皮塔餅 whole wheat pita bread的做法  

  1. 將所有材料混合均勻。成團後,揉麪,揉到表面光滑,但是還是有點粘手!
    Mix all the ingredients , till hold together , knees the dough till smooth , but still a bit sticky!

  2. 容器裏均勻抹上橄欖油,把麪糰放進去,標出高度,室溫發酵到2倍大。
    Prepare a tall container, coat with olive oil, put the dough in , mark the hight, proof till double In Velum

  3. 取出麪糰,攤平,分割成8等份,滾圓,蓋上溼布,放鬆20分鐘。
    Pour the dough on the counter , cut in 8 even pieces , shape into 8 balls. Cover with a damp cloth , let it relax for 20mins

  4. 麪糰擀成圓型,完成後,再擀一次,厚度約0.5公分!把擀好的麪餅放在烤盤上,鬆弛20分鐘。
    Roll the dough into round shape, when finished all 8 pieces , roll them again , about 0.5cm thick. Place the pita dough on an oven pan, rest for about 20mins

  5. 烤箱與石板250度一起預熱,沒有石板的話用烤盤的背面!
    Preheat the oven 250 C with a pizza stone, you can use any oven pan to replace the stone.

  6. 麪糰放入烤箱烤約5分鐘。直到完全膨脹,表面有點棕色,就完成了!
    Bake the pita bread about 5 mins till it's all pop like balloons , here's your pita bread ready


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