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煎薄切牛排佐白葡萄酒柠檬汁+牛奶土豆泥的做法图解 做法步骤


Simple and quick | make western food at home:
During quarantine at home, i searched for the steak cooking recipe and improved it according to my personal taste.
The thin slab tendon steak is meaty and buttered for an intense aroma; With a unique riesling white and a dash of lemon juice, the taste of the sauce suits for this hot summer!
A piece of simple steak may not be enough to satisfy the stomach, so, I add mashed potatoes with fresh milk, which tastes dense and delicate.


薄切牛排 2块/300克
土豆 2个
白葡萄 适量
柠檬 1/4个
牛奶 10克
黄油 10克
橄榄油 2勺
黑胡椒 4勺


  1. 【参考食谱如图】/ Reference recipe

    煎薄切牛排佐白葡萄酒柠檬汁+牛奶土豆泥的做法图解 做法步骤 第2张
  2. 准备材料:这道菜谱所需食材主要是薄切牛排,土豆,柠檬,葱;调料是橄榄油、黄油、干白葡萄酒、牛奶、盐、黑胡椒粉。(Mise En Place: This recipe needs thinly sliced steak, potatoes, lemon and spring Onions; The dressing is olive oil, butter, dry white wine, milk, salt and black pepper.)

    煎薄切牛排佐白葡萄酒柠檬汁+牛奶土豆泥的做法图解 做法步骤 第3张
  3. 熟土豆:将土豆削皮切块,放入蒸锅里蒸8分钟。(Steam potatoes:Peel and chop potatoes,then steam in a steamer for 8 minutes.)

    煎薄切牛排佐白葡萄酒柠檬汁+牛奶土豆泥的做法图解 做法步骤 第4张
  4. 腌制牛肉:用厨房用纸将牛排的血水吸干,把橄榄油和胡椒粉涂抹在牛排两面,腌制10分钟。(Marinate beef: Drain steak with kitchen paper. Rub olive oil and pepper on both sides. Marinate for 10 minutes.)

    煎薄切牛排佐白葡萄酒柠檬汁+牛奶土豆泥的做法图解 做法步骤 第5张
  5. 热锅热油:加热煎锅,放入适量黄油,中火融化至液体。(Heat oil: Heat a pan and add butter. Melt over medium heat until liquid.)

    煎薄切牛排佐白葡萄酒柠檬汁+牛奶土豆泥的做法图解 做法步骤 第6张
  6. 煎制牛排:牛排入锅,两面各煎1-2分钟后,移至盘中切块备用。(Saute the steaks: Fry the steaks on both sides for 1-2 minutes. Transfer to a plate and cut into pieces. Set aside.)

    煎薄切牛排佐白葡萄酒柠檬汁+牛奶土豆泥的做法图解 做法步骤 第7张
  7. 制作酱汁:葱碎入锅,加适量白葡萄酒、柠檬汁和牛肉高汤,熬制1分钟。(Make the sauce: grate the scallions into a wok, add some white wine, lemon juice and beef stock, and cook for 1 minute.)

    煎薄切牛排佐白葡萄酒柠檬汁+牛奶土豆泥的做法图解 做法步骤 第8张
  8. 牛肉回锅:将之前切块备用的牛肉加入锅中,与酱汁一同熬制2分钟,直到牛肉够熟,酱汁收汁。(Refry the beef: Add the previously cut beef to the pan and cook for 2 minutes with the sauce, until the beef is cooked enough for the sauce to drain.)

    煎薄切牛排佐白葡萄酒柠檬汁+牛奶土豆泥的做法图解 做法步骤 第9张
  9. 做土豆泥:将一小块黄油融化在锅底,放入蒸熟的土豆捣烂,加入适量牛奶、盐和胡椒搅拌均匀,简单美味的奶香土豆泥就做好了。(Make mashed potatoes: Melt a small piece of butter in the bottom of the pot, add the steamed potatoes and mash them. Add milk, salt and pepper and stir well.)

    煎薄切牛排佐白葡萄酒柠檬汁+牛奶土豆泥的做法图解 做法步骤 第10张
  10. 装盘享用:把牛肉和土豆泥装盘,淋上酱汁,用盐和胡椒调味,这道菜就完成啦!(Enjoy:Plate the beef and mashed potatoes, top with sauce, season with salt and pepper, and you're done!)

    煎薄切牛排佐白葡萄酒柠檬汁+牛奶土豆泥的做法图解 做法步骤 第11张
  11. 如果觉得不够完美,可以自行加入想吃的食物装盘,不仅营养丰富,看起来更令人食欲大增。(If you think it's not perfect enough, add the food you like, which is not only nutritious, but also increases your appetite.)

    煎薄切牛排佐白葡萄酒柠檬汁+牛奶土豆泥的做法图解 做法步骤 第12张


1.建议不喜欢葱味的朋友去掉葱碎,味道更醇香。(It is suggested that friends who do not like the taste of scallions could remove the chopped scallions, and the taste will be more mellow. )
(For a more tender steak, lightly flour it.)