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柠檬蒜香黄油酱汁 Lemon Garlic Butter

柠檬蒜香黄油酱汁 Lemon Garlic Butter的做法步骤图

来伦敦出差,中午忙里偷闲又去了Burger & Lobster。虽然是正儿八经的美国菜,他家的Lobster roll真是名不见经传,比在美国能吃到的都要好吃。Grilled的整只龙虾照例要点一份,中规中矩,一定要点龙虾的原因是他家的著名的Lemon Garlic Butter,真是非常好吃,无论是浇在Lobster Roll上还是用来沾Grilled Losbter,都非常赞!于是晚上回来,大概搜了一下google置顶的 Lemon Garlic Butter Recipe。先复制到下厨房里,回去做做看,看能否赶上这家的。


dry white wine 1/2 cup or 110 ml
heavy or double cream 1/4 cup or 55 ml
butter 2 Tablespoons
1 lemon juice only
minced garlic 1 teaspoon
chopped fresh dill 1 Tablespoon
Finely chopped shallots (optional) 1/4 cup
Salt and white pepper to taste

柠檬蒜香黄油酱汁 Lemon Garlic Butter的做法  

  1. In a small saucepan, add a small drop of olive oil and the minced garlic (and shallots if using). Cook on a low heat until soft. Then add the white wine, increase the heat to medium and let it cook for about 4 minutes until reduced by approximately 1/3 . Take care not to burn the garlic or shallots as this will make the sauce taste bitter. You want to heat the garlic and shallots until translucent and soft, not brown.

    柠檬蒜香黄油酱汁 Lemon Garlic Butter的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. Remove the pan from the heat and add the butter, stir to combine, then add the cream. Return the pan to the heat and stir until it begins to bubble. Remove from heat and add the lemon juice and dill. Stir, taste the sauce and add salt and pepper to taste. And there you have our Lemon and Garlic Butter Sauce!

    柠檬蒜香黄油酱汁 Lemon Garlic Butter的做法步骤图 第3张


It is common to sieve the sauce before serving so as to remove the shallots and garlic and give you a nice smooth sauce. You don’t have to do this if it doesn’t bother you!