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纽约芝士蛋糕 New York Cheesecake😋

纽约芝士蛋糕 New York Cheesecake😋的做法步骤图


饼干底 Cookie base
消化饼干 Digestive biscuits 120克
黄油 Butter 35克
芝士蛋糕 Cheesecake batter
奶油奶酪 Cream cheese 400克
牛奶 Milk 120克
玉米淀粉 Corn starch 10克
鸡蛋 Eggs 2个
白糖 Sugar 45克
香草精 Vanilla extra 1/2茶勺
柠檬汁 Lemon juice 半个

纽约芝士蛋糕 New York Cheesecake😋的做法  

  1. 黄油加热融化,消化饼干打碎,二者充分混合,压实到模具底部。模具外包裹两层锡箔纸,将饼干底放入冰箱冷藏半小时。Mix crumbled biscuits with melted butter. Store in fridge for half an hour. Wrap the cake mold in several layers of tin foil.

    纽约芝士蛋糕 New York Cheesecake😋的做法步骤图 第2张
  2. 奶油奶酪隔水软化后,芝士蛋糕部分充分混合,倒在饼干底上,震荡几下。After softening the cream cheese over warm water, mix the cheesecake batter and pour it over the cookie base. Whack the mold against the counter for a few times to get rid of the bubbles.

    纽约芝士蛋糕 New York Cheesecake😋的做法步骤图 第3张
  3. 烤箱预热后,水浴法175度烤半小时,转160度烤半小时。待蛋糕晾凉,放入冰箱隔夜冷藏,次日可享用。Preheat the oven to 175 degrees Celsius and bake for 30 minutes using the water bath
    method, then switch to 160 degrees Celsius and bake for another 30 minutes. Let your cheesecake cool to room temperature, then store it in the fridge overnight. The cheesecake would make an excellent breakfast!🥳

    纽约芝士蛋糕 New York Cheesecake😋的做法步骤图 第4张
  4. 来张成品图吧🥳 The final product

    纽约芝士蛋糕 New York Cheesecake😋的做法步骤图 第5张


一定要加香草精哦。Be sure to add vanilla extra— it really makes a difference.