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whole wheat walnut dinner roll

whole wheat walnut dinner roll的做法步骤图

1. from Lisa's kitchen, whole wheat walnut dinner rolls

bakers flour  180g
Wholemeal flour 120g
Milk powder 15g
Dark brown sugar 40g
Instant yeast  4g
Salt  3g
Medium egg  1 pc (55-60g with shell)
Water  130g
Unsalted butter (soften) 30g

Walnut  40g
Dark brown sugar 5g
Unsalted butter (melted) 10g

hand knead reference:

2. Whole Wheat Country Bread by Amanda tastes #with Poolish


bread flour (120 g) 1 cup
water (120 g) 1/2 cup
yeast (0.24 g) 30% * 1/4 tsp
bread flour (60 g) 1/2 cup
whole wheat flour (120 g) 1 cup
milk powder (15 g) 2 tbsp
brown sugar (40 g) 3 tbsp + 1 tsp
yeast (3.76 g) 1.19 tsp
salt (3 g) 1/2 tsp
egg 1 = 45 g water
water (10 g) 10 g
adding in
unsalted butter, softened (30 g) 2.116 tbsp
walnut (40 g) 1/4 + 1/8 cup
brown sugar (5 g) 1+1/4 tsp
black sesame seeds
melted butter (10 g) 0.71 tbsp

whole wheat walnut dinner roll的做法  

  1. prep:
    a day ahead, make Poolish:
    mix ingredients together, then rest for 12 h in room temp

  2. on the day:
    - soften butter to add to dough after 1st rest
    - melt butter before stuffing

  3. add in all ingredients and make a dough

    - w/ stand mixer, low speed 2 mins, then mid speed 6-7 mins

    - w/ hand knead, rough it into a rough dough till no dry ingredients and then rest for 20 mins. Then knead w/ up-down stretching motion for 8-10 mins till not sticky

  4. till rough pane forms, add in softened butter till it gets absorbed

    - w/ stand mixer, mid speed for 6-7 mins
    - w/ hand knead, add in all softened butter, up-down stretch knead + throwing knead for 13-15 mins

  5. add in chopped walnuts

    - w/ stand mixer, low speed for 1.5 mins

  6. ---- 1st prove --------
    add in spray to avoid the dough sticking to the bowl

    rest till double the volume at 80-85 F

    - test: poke a hole in the center. if it doesn't collapse, then the proof is done

  7. ---- shape and rest -----
    divide into 16

    roll to a smooth ball

    --- rest for 15 mins w/ cover -----

  8. degas into a flat sheet and shape into a ball, then place them on the baking tray w/ gaps left between balls

    ! make sure no wrinkle on it

  9. --- 2nd proof for 1h -----

    95 F, 75-85% humidity, 1 h

    - test: touch the surface gently and it bounces back

  10. preheat oven to 340 F

  11. smash walnut into fine crumbs and add brown sugar to make a sprinkle mix

    sprinkle on top of buns

  12. bake at 340F for 20 mins

  13. brush melted butter on top and remove from the baking tray immediately


* substitution
- use water to replace milk: add another 10% in volume (e.g., 100 g water being replaced by 110 g milk)
- when adding butter after a rough pane formed, could use margarine or solid coconut oil to replace butter, but nothing in liquid form

* if want to add chocolate chips, could add when shaping the dough

- 中种法:用70%的面粉出来 + 55%左右的液量 + 酵母预先发酵。剩下的材料放入主面团里。

- amanda's tastes
250g bread flour + 250 g water + 0.5 g yeast as poolish
50g bread flour + 200 g whole wheat flour in the main dough (40% of whole wheat in total flour)

w/ mochi centers

标签:wheat Dinner roll walnut